URL2018. 6. 17. 00:25

CSS 코드에 -webkit-, -ms-등 벤더 프리픽스를 추가하거나, 줄바꿈을 minify해주는 사이트입니다.

Pleeease·Process CSS with ease : http://pleeease.io/play/

- preprocess CSS (experimental) - adds prefixes, based on Autoprefixer - provides fallbacks for rem unit, CSS3 pseudo-elements notation - adds opacity filter for IE8 - converts CSS shorthand filters to SVG equivalent - packs same media-query in one @media rule - inlines @import styles - minifies the result - generates sourcemaps from pre- to postprocessors

출처 : XpressEngine | 웹마스터 팁 : https://www.xpressengine.com/tip/22900493

Posted by cpu21